Our innovative products add value to a diverse range of users and markets, including residential, commercial, hospitality and retail. It is our goal to stay in the forefront of trends and design to best serve our customers in all markets.
Residential Rowley serves the residential market in many ways. Our customer base consists of interior designers, workroom owners, upholsterers and installers from around the world who create pieces for all types of residential properties. From top to bottom and everything in between, Rowley has the residential market covered. |
Commercial & Hospitality Rowley products are engineered for quality. Because of this, commercial and hospitality venues trust our products to withstand every day wear-and-tear from patrons and guests. We offer special large volume discounts on most items, in addition to our everyday competitive pricing. Download the Commercial & Hospitality Product Catalog. |
Retail Rowley serves the retail channel through subsidiary Home Décor International (HDI), a leading designer and manufacturer of decorative drapery hardware. HDI supplies over 4500 retail channel outlets across North America. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about our products. |
Who We Serve